Free course: Learn how to reframe
I made this online course to reach people across the globe with the powerful reframing tools. It is free and can be taken by anyone with access to the internet. These reviews came in recently:
- “A gift beyond measure.”
- “An incredibly stimulating, enlightening and well-presented course. Anette Prehn’s non-technical approach, together with her clear explanations, made this course a joy to follow.”
- “Information that will genuinely help with all social and personal interactions. Why do you react a certain way? Well maybe you’re just human and now you’ve been given the Human Handbook to guide you. Anette Prehn makes a complicated and technical science understandable to a wide range of people.”
- “Will power is over-rated. Reframing is under-rated. I believe the information in this course is FANTASTIC! I believe IF a person applies the techniques given in this course consistently UNTIL they become a habit, they will become a more effective human being. This course teaches techniques that show you how to get in rapport with your brain so that you get results with less effort. This course is worth watching and worth implementing until it becomes a habit. I am VERY happy I found this course…”
- “We enjoyed using this course in our curriculum. It was easy to follow with great examples and visuals. We learned many helpful tools for reframing! This course met it’s description extremely well! We look forward to more from this wonderful instructor :-)”
- “One of the best courses on Udemy.”
- “If you are looking for inspiration with a science-based foundation this is for you.”
- “I’ve long been interested in neuroscience and found this course to be one of the most practical ones to date.”
- “Truly helpful”
- “This woman must be a saint. She gives away so much here that I’m left in utter gratitude.”
- “Anette uses a beautiful voice to explain and explore a fabulous method to manage difficult situations and emotional response. She provides the key to cracking open the door leading to a new, refreshing, joyful understanding of positive solution-based actions. It’s all about reframing. Thanks so much for this gift.”
- “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going through this course, and can’t wait to start Dr. Prehn’s Framestorm course.”
- “This should have been taught in school at a young age”
- “Information shared in an amazingly simple and useful manner!”
- “I thouroghly enjoyed this comprehensive course. I wait with enthusiastic anticipation for Anete Prehn’s future courses soon to be offered.”
- “WOW!”
Over 76,000 students have taken the course so far. Are you next?
Anette Prehn (1975) er stifter af Centre for Brain-Based Leadership and Learning. Hun har været iværksætter siden 2005 og er forskningsformidler, sociolog af uddannelse og forfatter til mere end 20 bestseller-bøger om hjernens spilleregler samt disses betydning for læring, ledelse, vaneændring, mental sundhed og socialt samspil.
Anette Prehn opdagede for år tilbage, at hjernen følger bestemte spilleregler. “What!” tænkte hun. “Hvordan kan det være, at forskerne ved dét her, uden at det er omsat, så almindelige mennesker har konkret gavn og glæde af det?”
Det kickstartede hendes mission: At blive en folkets formidler, der gør socialpsykologi og hjerneforskning praktisk anvendelig for alle. "Forskning til folket!" er Anette Prehns motto, og hun formidler vigtig forskning jordnært, engagerende og med et glimt i øjet, så den kan forstås, huskes og anvendes.
Anette Prehn har bl.a. fået udgivet HJERNESMART-trilogien: Hjernesmart Ledelse, Hjernesmarte Børn, og Hjernesmart Pædagogik. Desuden har hun skrevet "FLIP - hjælp din plastiske hjerne med at tackle det 21. århundrede" - der udvikler læserens kognitive fleksibilitet.
Hun har også skrevet minibøgerne Ansvar, Mod og Empati i MENNESKEKENDER-minibogsserien til teenagere samt HJERNEVENNER-minibogsserien, så børn og unge kan lære at gøre hjernen til en medspiller i hverdagen:
- Stierne i hjernen anbefales af professor og hjerneforsker Troels W. Kjær
- Bliv ven med hjernens amygdala anbefales af professor i socialpsykologi Per Schultz Jørgensen
- Gør hjernen til en medspiller anbefales af ph.d. og vinder af Ph.d. Cup 2017 Louise Klinge
- Sov dig til en bedre hjerne anbefales af hjerneforsker og søvnekspert Maiken Nedergaard
- Giv hjernen plads til udvikling anbefales af familievejleder Lola Jensen
- Tag nye billeder med hjernen anbefales af hjerneforsker Kjeld Fredens
- Din kreative hjerne anbefales af mad-entreprenør Claus Meyer
Anette Prehn taler for organisationer i forandring og ansatte, der oplever lovlig meget negativ stress og fremtidståge. Ikke mindst underviser hun i, hvordan mennesker får hjernen som medspiller i bevægelsen fra gamle vaner til nytænkende resultatskabelse.
Hun har udviklet den registrerede metode Framestorm, som systematisk og kreativt katapulterer kognitiv fleksibilitet, dvs. evnen til at betragte en situation fra mange forskellige, øjenåbnende vinkler.