I dag udkommer BrainSmart Leadership. Bogen er en oversættelse af bestselleren Hjernesmart ledelse og er blevet til efter mange års opfordringer fra læserne.
- Hvorfor preller gode råd tit af?
- Hvordan aflastes hjernen i en travl hverdag, så vi forebygger stress?
- Og på hvilke måder kan kognitiv fleksibilitet blive en fælles kompetence i organisationen, der hjælper os med at opdage og håndtere egen bias og egne blinde vinkler, vise respekt for diversitet og forebygge koldkrigs-tænkning a la “jeg har ret, og du er en nar”?
Du får også indsigt i syv paradigmeskift, som de hjernesmarte indsigter tilbyder ledelse i det 21. århundrede. Ligesom bogen rummer den tretrinsraket for læring, som Børsens anmelder Henrik Ørholst i sin tid kaldte “en fremragende læringsmodel”.
Jeg fejrer selv udgivelsen i Vojens, hvor Team Rynkeby Sønderjyllands Erhvervsklub kl. 15 åbner både de fysiske og virtuelle døre til mit foredrag om Hjernesmart ledelse, der simultantolkes til tysk.
Du kan købe dit eksemplar her. Jeg sælger også til hele afdelinger og organisationer og sætter i øvrigt gerne en underskrift og en hilsen indeni, hvis I er interesserede i det. Ligesom jeg f.eks. gjorde det for Danfoss forleden.
Bedste hilsner
PS: I bogen er inkluderet varme anbefalinger fra læsere. Bl.a. fra Paul Christopher Walton, Brand Historian, Futurist and Founder, The Value Engineers:
“To those that say management is just common sense, I’d say isn’t it a pity that it’s not more common then. But perhaps it will be if today’s business frontrunners get a copy of Anette Prehn’s new book BrainSmart Leadership. Unlike some of the stuff that emerges from academic research, this is a useful and practical digest of all the latest thinking on the neuroscience of leadership. Its pages offer a combination of clever insight and original, workable tools to use on today’s tricky strategic problems. It’s all presented with Prehn’s infectious brio, which shows how we can leverage the competitive advantage of the neuroplastic brain!”
Og denne – som katapulterer BrainSmart Leadership/Hjernesmart ledelse ind på hitlisten over must read-litteratur, hvis du gerne vil forbedre dine forhandlingsevner:
“Which book should you read if you want to improve your negotiation skills? Anette Prehn has written a fantastic book called BrainSmart Leadership, and in my world its title could just as well have been BrainSmart Negotiation because both leadership and negotiation are about the ability to move and influence other people, and how other people influence us.” Morten Kragh-Sørensen, Director Agree Consulting & Lecturer, Niels Brock International Business College
Du kan læse et udvalg af de øvrige anbefalinger af BrainSmart Leadership her:
“A wonderful book for leaders looking to boost their authority. Anette Prehn has a gift for provoking leaders’ thought patterns and habits. She writes brilliantly, making complex facts about the brain fun, accessible and applicable. World class!” Trine Brahm, Head of Leadership & Talent, Novozymes
“This is a book you can read over and over again, and find new value every time! BrainSmart Leadership has vastly improved my ability to create the space of mutual understanding and respect required to discuss contentious topics and find good solutions. Anette Prehn explains the logic behind practising ‘soft skills’ – quite simply making life easier for technical managers like me. At first, I thought the book would just inspire my leadership approach, but it also gives plenty of food for thought about my personal approach to life. Unique science-based communication that hits the mark!” Allan Nyland Christensen, Director Corporate IT Portfolio Management, LEGO
“At a time when the production of organisational management and psychology literature has sky-rocketed – much of it neither well-written nor contributing anything new or significant – I would like to offer some pointers for those interested in this topic. If you are a leader or consultant, or merely curious about how you can communicate smartly with the brains around you and give them – and our own brain – the best possible working conditions, I warmly recommend that you read BrainSmart Leadership. Reading BrainSmart Leadership has given me great inspiration, and I draw extensively on the brain-smart approach in my work with the psychological work environment and leadership and organisational development. In a class apart, Anette Prehn effortlessly and engagingly communicates the fastest way, by far, to understand and incorporate neuro-scientific perspectives into one’s own practice, conduct and reflections.” Rasmus Gorell Mackenhauer, organisational psychologist and consultant, Danish Ministry of Defence Personnel Agency, Centre for the Working Environment
“When you’re working on the frontline, you have to understand what’s going on under your colleague’s helmet and your own. What sets off the brain’s alarm bell, the amygdala? And when? And how do we get it under control so we can carry on working confidently and creatively? Brain-smart Leadership has been crucial in improving our unit’s internal communication. We use it in practice when preparing for assignments, exams and tactical missions. In one quite specific situation, our insight into the rules of the brain saved us six months’ work. I simply can’t put it any more plainly – this book is an excellent investment.” Warrant Officer J.T. Ravn, day-to-day head of the “bomb dog platoon”, Helicopter Wing, Squadron 660, Royal Danish Air Force
“Brain-smart Leadership is an amazing toolbox for tackling the changes currently spreading through the financial sector. As a leader, I find Anette Prehn’s simple, visual approach to difficult topics highly inspiring. Her books create Aha! moments and make it easy to put this new knowledge into everyday practice.” Vibeke Bak Solok, Executive Vice President, Group Risk Management, Danske Bank
“Many thanks for all the inspiration that reading the wonderful book Brain-smart Leadership has given me. I’ve written down more than 130 reflections (potential new pathways). I’ve also bought copies for my entire leadership team, and every week we discuss what they are getting out of it. One team member read it in less than a week, and loves it as much as I do (although that’s hard to believe).” Anders Skaaning-Höglund, Bakery Manager, Lantmännen Unibake
“A journey of discovery inside the brain for leaders – guaranteed to strike gold. A book you will return to over and over again and that will change your view of leadership, motivation and interaction. In my life and leadership career, there’s an era ‘before’ Anette Prehn and one ‘after’!” Alan Larsen, principal, Brejninggaard continuation school
“Learning about the rules of the brain is by far the best investment I’ve ever made. I found it particularly interesting to learn about the brain’s watchdog, the importance of values in human interactions and the ability to reinterpret situations and thus make them easier to understand. Anette Prehn has an amazing ability to make difficult subjects easy to apply in practice!” Marlene Karmark, Head of Department, City of Odense
“In this book, Anette Prehn applies the brain’s logics to modern leadership in a way that is insightful, easy to understand and eminently relevant. The points she presents about what happens in the brain when we interact with each other in organisations are new to me and have far-reaching consequences for the way we think about how we should lead ourselves and others. This book has given me significant new focus points and inspiration for more effective ways of leading change processes. Thank you!” Rasmus Sielemann Christensen, CEO, Bornholms Energi & Forsyning
“As a leader, you read loads of leadership theories that you later have to spend time converting and adapting to your own reality. With Brain-smart Leadership, you get a book that helps you easily apply what you’ve read. It invites you to stop to reflect and implement some of the many great tips for making the brain your partner – instead of reading it at one sitting, from start to finish. I’ve found Anette Prehn’s books enormously useful for my leadership work and can warmly recommend this one as an alternative leadership book.” Vibeke Verwohlt, Head, Stolpedal school
“A super book, written in down-to-earth language. Plenty of great exercises that are easy to use in everyday life. I warmly recommend it to everyone – you don’t need a management title or responsibility to benefit from this book. Looking forward to reading more titles by Anette Prehn.” Mik Steenfeldt, branch manager, Sparekassen Kronjylland
“Once again, Anette Prehn offers unique insight into how we, as leaders, can help our teams and ourselves to tackle change and challenges. Wonderful metaphors, easy to use – and valuable reading for employees at all organisational levels.” Michael S. Kehlet, VP Talent, LEGO Group
“You rarely benefit and learn so much from reading a single book.” Tonny Nielsen, Regional Manager, Rema 1000
“I was introduced to Anette Prehn’s book BrainSmart Leadership in 2017 while studying for my MBA. This research-based leadership approach has enabled me to tackle even major change processes with a calm amygdala and brain-smart mindset that helps me to communicate purposefully and minimise ‘future fog’. The techniques I’ve learnt from the brain-smart leadership universe enable me to quickly see challenges from different viewpoints, unleashing positive energy in my daily leadership activities and allowing me to ‘share’ this energy – which in turn builds support within the organisation. Recommended for everyone!” Henrik Gehrt, Major, Head of the National Supplies & Logistics Section, Danish Defence

Anette Prehn (1975) er stifter af Centre for Brain-Based Leadership and Learning. Hun har været iværksætter siden 2005 og er forskningsformidler, sociolog af uddannelse og forfatter til mere end 20 bestseller-bøger om hjernens spilleregler samt disses betydning for læring, ledelse, vaneændring, mental sundhed og socialt samspil.
Anette Prehn opdagede for år tilbage, at hjernen følger bestemte spilleregler. “What!” tænkte hun. “Hvordan kan det være, at forskerne ved dét her, uden at det er omsat, så almindelige mennesker har konkret gavn og glæde af det?”
Det kickstartede hendes mission: At blive en folkets formidler, der gør socialpsykologi og hjerneforskning praktisk anvendelig for alle. "Forskning til folket!" er Anette Prehns motto, og hun formidler vigtig forskning jordnært, engagerende og med et glimt i øjet, så den kan forstås, huskes og anvendes.
Anette Prehn har bl.a. fået udgivet HJERNESMART-trilogien: Hjernesmart Ledelse, Hjernesmarte Børn, og Hjernesmart Pædagogik. Desuden har hun skrevet "FLIP - hjælp din plastiske hjerne med at tackle det 21. århundrede" - der udvikler læserens kognitive fleksibilitet.
Hun har også skrevet minibøgerne Ansvar, Mod og Empati i MENNESKEKENDER-minibogsserien til teenagere samt HJERNEVENNER-minibogsserien, så børn og unge kan lære at gøre hjernen til en medspiller i hverdagen:
- Stierne i hjernen anbefales af professor og hjerneforsker Troels W. Kjær
- Bliv ven med hjernens amygdala anbefales af professor i socialpsykologi Per Schultz Jørgensen
- Gør hjernen til en medspiller anbefales af ph.d. og vinder af Ph.d. Cup 2017 Louise Klinge
- Sov dig til en bedre hjerne anbefales af hjerneforsker og søvnekspert Maiken Nedergaard
- Giv hjernen plads til udvikling anbefales af familievejleder Lola Jensen
- Tag nye billeder med hjernen anbefales af hjerneforsker Kjeld Fredens
- Din kreative hjerne anbefales af mad-entreprenør Claus Meyer
Anette Prehn taler for organisationer i forandring og ansatte, der oplever lovlig meget negativ stress og fremtidståge. Ikke mindst underviser hun i, hvordan mennesker får hjernen som medspiller i bevægelsen fra gamle vaner til nytænkende resultatskabelse.
Hun har udviklet den registrerede metode Framestorm, som systematisk og kreativt katapulterer kognitiv fleksibilitet, dvs. evnen til at betragte en situation fra mange forskellige, øjenåbnende vinkler.